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About the BA in History Degree

Why Study History at Cedarville?

你是否热衷于研究过去,着眼于改善未来? 雪松维尔独特的基督教历史专业将为你的研究生工作或在各种领域的职业生涯做好准备, including government, 法律, 业务, 教育, public history, and ministry. To tailor your degree to your unique goals, 一些与历史学位相匹配的辅修课程包括教会历史, international studies, political science, public administration, 公共政策, 和社会学.

If history interests you but you're not pursuing it as a major, then Cedarville's history minor may be for you! 你要修的课程包括美国历史至1877年和文明史至1500年, as well as history electives. 历史专业和辅修课程都将使你在毕业时对历史有深刻的理解,以及历史是如何塑造我们今天的世界的. 当你离开沙巴体育时,你会准备好服侍和荣耀基督,无论你走上什么职业道路.

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What Sets Cedarville Apart?


Program Highlights

Distinctly Christian - Cedarville的独特之处在于它将基督教信仰与过去的公开融合. 我们要你们惊叹上帝在历史上的作为,认识到人类在过去的堕落, discover how people can live in community with one another, 通过神的话语所教导的原则来评估历史的教训. We believe that a rigorous study of the past, grounded in the Word of God, has the potential to change 让毕业生具备独一无二的能力,成为我们这个世界的盐和光.

广泛的关注 -通过专注于沟通,你将为在几乎任何领域的职业发展打下基础, critical and logical analysis, information management, and problem-solving.

Excellent Preparation 今天的雇主明白文科学位的价值,因为它培养了我们快节奏的经济所需的技能. Employees need to be able to communicate well, critically analyze, 制定问题的解决方案,并综合大量信息. No major does a better job developing these skills than history.

Placement Success

We're proud of our successful graduates! 历史与政府学系的应届毕业生在毕业后六个月内100%就业或进入研究生院. Check out Cedarville's other placement rates.

What Can You Do With a BA in History?

What can you do with a history degree? 沙巴体育的历史课程将为你在学术或公共历史方面的职业生涯做好准备. 前者涉及高校背景下的教学和专业研究. The latter include 在历史博物馆、档案馆、活历史遗址和国家公园工作.

历史是一个经典的文科领域,它将为你在包括历史在内的各种领域的研究生工作做好准备, political science, 考古学, 人类学, 和法律. 历史也是神学院和研究生的优秀本科准备课程 studies in religion.

历史专业可以作为另一个专业的双学位, such as philosophy, 神学, political science, 经济学, and other liberal arts majors.


  • 档案管理员
  • 编辑器
  • Graduate work leading to college/university teaching
  • 历史老师
  • 律师
  • Legislative Assistant
  • 图书管理员
  • Paralegal and Legal Assistant
  • Public Affairs Officer
  • 作家

研究生和专业项目以及雇主每年都欢迎沙巴体育的毕业生. 重要的是要注意,一些专业的职业领域可能需要额外的教育, 经验, 和/或在完成雪松维尔大学本科学位之后获得的许可证.

Opportunities to Learn Outside the Classroom

实习 历史领域的实习可以帮助你为各种职业机会做好准备. If you want to pursue a career in academia, 你可以在校园里寻找学生评分和助教的机会. If you’re considering careers in public history, you can complete an internship in local historical societies, 博物馆, 库, or living history sites. 我们的学生已经在图书馆、社区医院等地方完成了实习 the National Archives.

Civil Rights Tour -年度 Civil Rights Tour allows students, faculty, and staff to travel 与社区领袖一起,并有机会走在创造历史的地方.

D.C. 学期 - 你可以加入同学和老师的学习改变生活的经验, 发展, and service in a semester spent in Washington, D.C.

Center for Political Studies - - - Center for Political Studies 以圣经的方式回应当今的政治和社会问题. 当你接触到专家演讲者和中心以基督为中心的研究时,你将与政治世界联系在一起.

Student Organizations -学生组织为你的课程提供了与志同道合的学生和专业人士见面和学习的机会.

  • Epsilon Pi Lambda 为学生提供对历史和政府领域的欣赏的机会,并提供追求知识的出口, obtaining academic support, gaining fellowship, and providing service.

Program Curriculum

Building on your core liberal arts and Bible minor courses, you will take core history courses — learning from the earliest civilizations to the present day —and electives, including a required non-Western history elective. 你的课程 会鼓励你根据圣经原则来评价历史叙述吗, 帮助你了解基督教在历史上扮演的角色,以及基督徒对历史事件的反应.

This major is offered with either a 三年 or four-year completion plan.


  • Introduction to Historiography
  • Research in American History

Start Your Degree in High School!

现在就选择双录取课程来节省时间和金钱. 了解如何在短短三年内完成你的历史学位 双录取 三年的途径.

Explore the 双录取 Pathway

Program Format and 相关的项目

锡达维尔提供研究生和本科课程,有灵活的完成选择. You may also want to 当你考虑最适合你的学位或项目时,请考虑这些相关的项目.

Program Level and Format

  • 本科
  • 住宅
  • 三年的选择
  • 四年
Woman speaking in front of a classroom.

From Our Students:

Job and Grad School Placement


Photo of Robert Clark

Robert Clark, PhD

Assistant Professor of History


Photo of Marc Clauson

Marc Clauson, PhD

Professor of History and Law


Photo of Tom Mach


Vice President for 学者 and Chief Academic Officer

